Republican State Representative Amy Elik - Working for YOU!
A lifelong resident of Madison County, Amy Elik serves as the Republican State Representative for the 111th District, having first won in 2020 and overwhelmingly re-elected in 2022 and 2024.
Amy spent the last twenty-nine years working as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and auditor for area businesses and governmental bodies. She sees firsthand how policies coming out of Springfield can hinder economic growth, pushed by politicians disconnected from the struggles of hard-working Illinoisans.
Amy cares deeply for our state’s future and understands the extreme fiscal and social policies coming from Springfield don’t reflect the values of the 111th District. She serves as State Representative to represent the forgotten voices of a border district that sees people flee to neighboring states for more favorable policies toward the middle class.
Amy is a former Foster Township Trustee and previously served as a school board member with St. Mary’s Catholic School in Alton. She’s been a member of the Rotary Club of the Riverbend and involved in the Fosterburg AG 4H Club as a co-leader. She served as a volunteer and teacher with SCORE – the nation’s largest network of volunteer business mentors. She taught financial projection classes and consulted with entrepreneurs to start businesses.
Amy and her husband of twenty-seven years, have two children.
In the General Assembly, Amy serves as Assistant House Republican Leader and House Republican Deputy Budgeteer, using her experience as a Certified Public Accountant to urge sound state budget decisions. She serves on two appropriations committees-General Services and K-12 Education, as well as Revenue and Finance, Energy and Environment, and K-12 Education Curriculum and Policy committees.
Amy also serves on the Legislative Audit Commission, Legislative Budget Oversight Commission and various task forces as appointed by House Republican leadership.
Most of all, Amy enjoys serving the people of the 111th District through robust constituent services at the district office.